Reach the world’s wealthiest customers.

You sell the best the world has to offer. Don’t you deserve the best customers?

Myria is the one and only marketplace built exclusively to help you reach these customers.

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yarn ball
Image illustrating vetting steps

Our buyers are vetted.

Sellers of luxury services, goods, & experiences can relax. Every Myria customer must verify their identity & net worth, pass a KYC check, and meet other social criteria.

Everyone is continually rated and reviewed. We do not tolerate bad actors and remove them from our platform.

Our buyers are rated.

Each customer is given a True Success Score. This score is based off their impact, wealth, personal brand, & their interactions with those on the Myria marketplace.

Discover your best customer before they’re your customer.

example member rating card
Example card showing member value

Our buyers are valuable.

Find your best long-term customers before they’re your customers.

Myria can handle it! We process up to $100 million every 24 hours or $1 million in real-time.